Young Grandmaster Choi is headed back to Kickstarter on September 10th with the launch of our campaign for Book II. Last year’s successful crowdfunding campaign helped us raise enough money to complete Book I, and we are forever grateful to those of you who believed in and backed us! Thanks to the success of Book I, we were able to get a head start on Book II and are six pages away from completing pencils and inks and coloring for the second book!
In addition to the new book, we’ll have handmade Rayven Choi dolls, a coloring book & crayon set, limited-edition T-shirts, and on the first day, we’ll be offering fan art canvases where we’ll draw YOU as a chibi-style Young Grandmaster on the book cover! Please note that these personalized canvases will be limited and are ONLY available on day one of the campaign! We will also have a new option for you to donate a book to a daycare, children’s hospital, public library, or school!
Click HERE to get notified when the campaign launches. And please help us spread the news by sharing this post with others!