On the film side, we’ve been putting the grant that we won from The Big We & Melinda Gates’s Pivotal Ventures to good use. Last month, I traveled to Washington D.C. to complete East Coast interviews for our upcoming The Shero Universe documentary. While there, I interviewed three extraordinary women...
Young Grandmaster Choi Book II
The next installment of Young Grandmaster Choi is on the way! We are super excited to announce that we have begun drawing the second book of Young Grandmaster Choi! We anticipate releasing the book in late August, just in time for the back-to-school bonanza. This second book continues the adventures of...
A Shero Talk at John Muir Middle School
Today, I did a Shero Talk & comic book workshop at John Muir Middle School in South LA. I spoke to a group of around 22 Black girls who were absolutely hilarious and super smart! While going over my backstory and showing off the photo of a three-year-old me playing...