While I continue to juggle the three bustling divisions of Shero, our gaming division, Shero Games, recently had a big win after being selected by Grammy-winning producer and recording artist Pharrell Williams for his Black Ambition Prize. Out of 3,000 applications, they narrowed it down to 250 companies, and Shero...
“Boy Math” is Ignoring the $174 Billion Dollar Market of Female Gamers
Despite women making up 48% of gamers, since 1985, there have only been 8 mainstream video games that feature a standalone female protagonist. My new gaming division, Shero Games, stands to challenge the status quo of the gaming industry with the female-led games we're developing. Recently, I wrote an article...
The Regional Black Chamber of Commerce Awards Me!
With the launch of Shero Games, this year has been a super busy year for the Shero brand, but it’s never too busy to stop and be honored for the work that we’re doing. And last weekend, that’s exactly what happened when I was honored by the Regional Black Chamber...